Saturday, November 01, 2008


Emma with her Elmo bucket Daddy was in charge of pumpkin carving this year. Meilynn was really into it but Emma didn't want to get her hands dirty. The girl's took their shirts off so they wouldn't get them dirty My Emma Meilynn with her pumpkin with heart eyes Emma went for  the classic triangle After Trick or Treating Meilynn with her hoard At the park making spiders Playing with play dough Emma and friends Aren't her wings pretty? Emma and Meilynn (Meilynn had just woke up from her nap and was not quite ready for Halloween)
We had a great Halloween.  We are still living at the beach until our house is done so we decided to trick or treat down here.  The neighborhood is full of kids and they had a little party in the park in the neighborhood just before we went trick or treating.  The girls did great with saying trick or treat and thank you and Emma was not afraid so I call that a success.  Most people thought that our Monkey was a little boy but I don't think that Meilynn caught on to that.  It was tough that Emma's costume was so frilly and full of lights and everyone noticed her and Meilynns at night was dark and most people thought she was a bear on top of being a boy!  Meilynn did say something about wanting to be Tinkerbell next year so maybe she did notice the attention that Emma got with her costume. When we were only half way around the block and the girls little buckets were full.  Thank goodness someone gave us two grocery bags to put the candy in so the girls could continue on.  Meilynn couldn't even carry her bag it was so heavy.  I carried it for them but you could tell that Meilynn was worried that I wasn't going to give it back to her.  When we got home we poured out the candy to take a look at what they got.  Emma doesn't like chocolate so by the time we eliminated all chocolate she had 4 pieces left.  I traded all of the non chocolate candy that we had with her so she was happy with that.  They each  chose one piece to eat and then baths and to bed.
A Cute Moment
The other night we were shopping for bathroom hardware for our bathrooms that we are remodeling.  We were at Home Expo.  Emma had skipped her nap that day and was running around.  I had to take her out and have a little talk with her.  Later when we were eating at a restaurant a lady came in and was watching the girls.  When she was at the cash register she said to us, "Your girls are so pretty."  Before we could say anything, Emma piped up, " I not pretty, I naughty."  We all just burst out laughing.  I guess you can only have one adjective to describe yourself.  Then a few minutes later the same lady asked Emma something.  Emma didn't answer so Mike said "Emma the lady is asking you something."  Emma answered back, "I have food in my mouth."  (And she did)  Well at least she is learning her manners.  She says the funniest things!

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