Tuesday, March 25, 2008


OK, I loaded so many pictures of Easter and the days before that I don't feel like going back and arranging them in order so, they are going to be a little out of order! Sorry! This is a picture out at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had an Easter egg hunt just for the girls before the older kids hunt. We forgot to bring the baskets, but Grandma's grocery bags worked just as well. Emma finding a green egg. Grandma and Kami having a fun time uploading pictures on Grandma's new computer. This picture is not at Easter but just the day after. It was one of those super cute moments. Meilynn had just got an organic sucker for going poopie on the potty. She was eating it outside but came in upset that she had lost it. Emma found it on Meilynn's shirt! Emma was so cute. She said, "Emma tind it. It is on Meilynn's tirt." I just started cracking up and then we all did and I grabbed my camera. That is her sucker stuck on the front of her shirt.
A little break from hunting for eggs at Grandmas. Daddy makes a comfortable chair. Meilynn is a good finder of eggs Emma finding another one. It was a beautiful wa0rm day. It was 80 degrees! Aunt Julie takes time out to put specail stickers on Meilynn's toes. Emma also got hers done.
I tried to get a picture before Church. I think Mike got a better one. I will post it when I get a chance. Picking oranges with Grandpa and Nick (Meghan's boyfriend) on Easter. Picking our own oranges. Emma enjoying a candy bracelet from Aunt Debbie Emma with facial hair.
The Easter bunny brought babies that can go in the bathtub. I realized that the girls didn't have any dolls that could go in water. They were pretending to give these tiny zoo aninmals baths, so I found these dolls and Target and they were a hit. They take them in the bathtub and in the swimming pool too. It was actually warm enough to go in the pool yesterday! Easter Egg hunt at home. Finding the eggs the bunny hid. He left so many Kami, head videographer.
Easter morning. New Hello Kitty pillowcases New purses Hello Kitty eggs! New bath babies
Coloring eggs with Grandma Loving Grandma Meilynn and Grandma A kiss for grandma Emma and her basket.
Kami and Emma coloring eggs Mommy and Meilynn Daddy and Emma We colored eggs and Grandmas the night before Easter. We decided that no clothes was the way to go. Too bad we didn't decide this for everyone. Emma thew an egg in the dye and it splashed all over Daddy! Maybe next year Daddy will be wearing just his underwear! he, he A moment of sharing
The Easter Bunny downtown. Emma and Meilynn will still have nothing to do with him! A special moment in the backyard, playing with her red thread doll, Magnolia Emma loves her doll Meilynn, of course with her Hello Kitty Swinging with their dolls
Look at the ears Before the Easter Egg Hunt downtown. They were so ready but when we got there we found out that they had already done their age group, even though the paper said it would be at 10:00. So we decided to get in on the big kids hunt. They start them in a line and then they just let them sprint up the street to collect eggs that have not been hidden but just thrown all over the street. We started up the line so that they could get a few before the masses attacked. The eggs were gone in a matter of seconds. Meilynn and Emma are still trying to figure it out!
Taking good care of the babies. Hello Kitty is thristy My flowers enjoing a picnic in the backyard Emma Sophia Mingjing They did not really get their ears pierced. The Easter Bunny brought stick on earrings. I cannot imagine taking care of pierced ears. I can't imagine them even going to get them done. I cannot imagine not loosing them. I cannot imagine adding another task to my day. So it is stick on earrings for us, until they are old enough to ask to get them done and know how to be responsible to take care of them on their own.

1 comment:

The Landes Family said...

Miss Talicee has her ears pierced and she loves changing earrings. It is not as hard as you think. We had them done 2 weeks after we arrived home in 2006. The girls would look great in them. What's one more thing to do? LOL
